Ohio Mp3 : Glee
Enjoy Ohio Mp3 by Glee can be found after the jump. You can download Glee - Ohio ringtone now available below the music video.
Glee - Ohio Mp3
Legal Fast Download - Glee Ohio mp3 for ONLY $0.15/track
Glee - Ohio Lyrics and Mp3 :-
Why oh why oh why oh
Why did I ever leave Ohio?
Why did I wander to find what lies yonder?
When life was so cosy at home
Wondrin' why I wander
Why did I fly, why did I roam?
Oh why oh why oh did I leave Ohio?
Maybe I'd better go
Maybe I'd better go home
Why did I wonder
To find what lies yonder?
Life was so cosy at home
Wondrin' why I wander
Why did I fly, why did I roam?
Oh why oh why oh did I leave Ohio?
Maybe I'd better go
Maybe I'd better go home
Glee - Ohio Lyrics
Enjoy Ohio Mp3 by Glee can be found after the jump. You can download Glee - Ohio ringtone now available below the music video.
Glee - Ohio Mp3
Legal Fast Download - Glee Ohio mp3 for ONLY $0.15/track
Glee - Ohio Lyrics and Mp3 :-
Why oh why oh why oh
Why did I ever leave Ohio?
Why did I wander to find what lies yonder?
When life was so cosy at home
Wondrin' why I wander
Why did I fly, why did I roam?
Oh why oh why oh did I leave Ohio?
Maybe I'd better go
Maybe I'd better go home
Why did I wonder
To find what lies yonder?
Life was so cosy at home
Wondrin' why I wander
Why did I fly, why did I roam?
Oh why oh why oh did I leave Ohio?
Maybe I'd better go
Maybe I'd better go home
Glee - Ohio Lyrics
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